Improving The Production Performance Of Honey-Producing Micro Small And Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In Banaran, Playen, Gunung Kidul
Research action, social analysis, production performance improvement, MSMEs Honey.Abstract
This study aims to apply the right method in identifying problems, analyze the design of the primary indicator model of improving the production performance of honey-producing MSMEs, and analyze the driving and inhibiting factors of efforts to improve the production performance of MSME Honey. The problem faced is the low production performance of MSMEs, which comes from human resource factors. Meanwhile, owners of MSMEs are more concerned with infrastructure for repair. This research is descriptive research. The method used by using a training method with the approach of Social Analysis and Action Review. Both of these methods are used to improve the design for improving the production performance of MSME Honey in Banaras, Playen, Gunung Kidul. The target object of this research is members of the Source Of Fortune Honey Beekeeper Group in Banaran Village, Playen, Gunung Kidul Regency. Based on the observation of training activities based on action review and social analysis, the results showed that there were still some participants who were sleepy; it seemed that the questions needed to be agreed upon to be semi-open, and the discussion material was closer to what the participants experienced so that participants could better imagine and understand the material—attendance: 30-50% of all members. Meanwhile, other results obtained from this research related to training content found that the main problem of MSMEs is HR, that human capital has a positive and significant effect on the production performance of MSMEs with social capital as an intermediary variable. The driving factors for the MSME production performance improvement model are the availability of the number of human resources, product uniqueness, access and supporting infrastructure, capital assistance from various parties, specific product development, close kinship relationships, and short managerial hierarchies. On the other hand, the inhibiting factors of the honey bee farmer's MSME production performance improvement model are low competence and motivation of human resources, lack of supervision of implementation standards, limited use of technology for marketing, and low willingness of owners to access capital information.References
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