The Mapping of Business Processes From Community Solid Waste to Waste Banks Using The Gonigoni Application


  • Muhammad Baqir Alhaddar Department of Business Administration, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Kristina Sisilia Department of Business Administration, Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia



Business Process, Efficiency, Waste Bank, Community.


GoniGoni is one of the platforms that manage and connect local waste banks and the community in Bandung, Indonesia. Initially, GoniGoni was established to provide solutions to the problem of garbage around the Telkom campus. Currently, GoniGoni will serve outside the area of Bandung. GoniGoni aims to educate the market that waste disposal can lead to passive income by using this application. Having a business process can give benefit an organization by enabling it to optimize its operation. However, GoniGoni hasn’t mapped its business process, yet. This study aims to map business processes in GoniGoni startup. The information required is obtained through interviews with the founder and team of GoniGoni, who are considered to understand the business best (purposive sampling). The business processes of waste banks are divided into five sub-processes, namely application registration, one-time request, subscription registration, waste collection operation, and payment.


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