The Influence of Customer Experience on the Level of Satisfaction of Shopee Buyer in Bandung
Customer Experience Customer Satisfaction, ShopeeAbstract
An increasing number of internet users have succeeded in influencing and changing people's behavior and lifestyles that are shifting from shopping in traditional markets to shopping online which are carried out in various media that provide online buying and selling transactions. This is an opportunity for E-commerce to compete and create interest in the online transaction. Company that started to make online buying and selling sites is Shopee that can be accessed by their customers and to satisfy the desires of Indonesian people shopping. This study aims to shows the relationship between the dimension of Shopee’s customer experience and satisfaction of Shopee’s customer in Bandung. This research uses quantitative descriptive and multiple linear regression analysis based on the customer experience who have purchased in Shopee. The sample in this research amounted 100 respondents who had purchased in Shopee to fill in the research questionnaire. The sampling techniques uses non-probability sampling with a population who is Shopee’s customer domicile in Bandung.Based on the Descriptive Analysis results, customer experience is in the “High” category with the percentage score of 70.0%. While customer satisfaction is in the “High” category with the percentage score of 69.1%. The test results were using partial significance test and simultaneous significance test, the dimensions of customer experience give a positive significant influence simultaneously or partially on Shopee’s customer satisfaction. Shopee should increase Accessibility where Shopee should maintain the ease in accessing Shopee’s website and operational time of Shopee fit the customer’s expectation because it has highest influence on satisfaction of Shopee’s customer.References
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